
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Still Whining and Panting....

Don't Cry Ferguson...

My friends and I went out to eat this evening, leaving poor Ferguson for his first official trial run. I did everything by the book: extensive exercise first, leaving him for 20 minutes, k9 lullabies, right next to the DAP, etc. I recorded him with my webcam, and though I can't see him (it got dark quickly), I could hear him.

He was a little better than he's been in the past; that is, in the past, he would outright back for hours the entire time I was gone. Today, he panted excessively and would have episodes of whining occasionally. Because I think putting the video up would be pointless, it went something like this:

Ferg: *pant pant pant hrrmmmm hrrrooommm pant pant pant* silence for 30 seconds-2 min. Repeat.

Additionally, our room always smells of poo when we return, though I suspect it's just gas from the stress.

So, in short, I guess its getting better; it's certainly not getting worse. I think we need to build up our time a bit more, and see what things work for him. This outing was too long in that I wasn't comfortable leaving him out in our room for 90 minutes (plus, our room could use some cleaning), but in the future, I will mix it up and try different things with the initial routine being generally the same. We may even try doing an X-pen in the family room if I can clear out some of the stuff downstairs...I'd just worry for his paws :/.

OHH Ferguson. Good thing everything else about you is perfect.


Hiking Hounds said...

It sounds like he's made some progress, that's good! How fun that he got to chase the lure. He is so cute in his bed. :-)

Declan said...

I hate being left too. You are right; it's a good job we are completely wonderful in other ways! Deccy x

Declan said...

I hate being left too. You are right; it's a good job we are completely wonderful in other ways! Deccy x

Never Say Never Greyhounds said...

Come on Ferg! Its no big deal to be home alone. You can do it!